Saturday, January 29, 2011

There goes the waistline.....again!!!

Pineapple Upside Down Cake

Sometimes we forget how good the most basic recipes can be. This is one seriously fine cake!!! I really hope a few of you give it a go and have the same "yes yes yes yes" reaction that we do!!

It's fun to make - the batter ends up sooo smoooth - it's mouthwatering all by itself!

Doesn't matter what sort of tin you use - also if the cake smells a little burnt don't worry - it's just the butter and brown sugar combo caramelising (better have another piece just to check). If it smells a lot burnt??? you'll probably still eat it!!!

Best eaten warm on it's own but you could add some Vanilla Ice cream - I think cream would be a bit too rich and distract from the flavour.

Good Luck!!!

Pineapple Upside Down Cake


125grams Butter ¾ cup castor sugar
2 eggs 2 cups S.R. Flour
¼ cup milk combined with ¼ cup pineapple juice

60 grams Butter ½ cup brown sugar
470 gram tin pineapple slices- drained



Cream butter and sugar well. Add eggs one at a time – beat well.
Fold in sifted flour alternating with juice and milk combination. Beat until smooth.


Blend softened butter with brown sugar until just combined. Spread over base of greased cake tin. Top with pineapple slices. Carefully spread cake mix over pineapple pieces. Bake for 1 hour at 180 C Allow to stand in tin 5 mins only – turn onto plate.

A small idea that grew! And we need your help!!

First off let me start by admitting that I am not much of a cook. Give me a recipe and I can follow it, but no real invention happening here.

Over the years of raising three kids I ended up with a few favorite recipes - notably an amazing spag bol - as well as some absolute disasters.

Our culinary luck changed 7 years ago with the addition to our family of Gianni - an amazing Italian chef (now my husband). He opened up a whole new world of amazing food and yes a lot of pasta and pizza.

The main result for me (apart from 10ks's) has been an absolute lack of cooking for the last 6 - 7 years - why would I? - and an amazing trip for my taste buds to home made gnocchi, eggplant parmigiana, stuffed whole fish, garlic chili mussells - and the list goes on.

When the girls moved out of home I had the idea to combine all of their favorite recipes (mine & his)  into one book as a keepsake. There are so many places on line to publish books with pictures - so why not?

The first ssection would have to be "So you moved out of home and can't afford to eat".  Maybe then we (meaning Gianni) wouldn't have to 'deliver' homemade pasta just so we knew they were eating something!

After reconnecting with old friends from PomHigh on face book - the lovely Shaheen Khan posted one day that she was cooking 'Byriani' at which point we all went nuts on line wanting the recipe.

Hang on - doesn't everyone have a favorite recipe - or one from their Mum? Why not ask everyone to send their recipes just like Shaheen so we can cook them and include them in our book?

The amazing Lauren then suggested starting a blog  so people could send their recipes and as we cook and eat them, give our friends and family all over the world the chance to be a part of an exciting experiment!!

Feed back and contributions would be greatly appreciated - no really - I'd feel like a right wally if I don't get a least ONE recipe from this.

We will post pictures of the finished dishes, post recipes of some amazing food and I will even admit to the disasters!!

I see this 'project' taking a year to complete and then anyone who wantsa copy of the end result can order through me.

Let's have some fun and take our taste buds on an exciting international journey of mouthwatering favorites!!